
In a more recent and popular trend, there have been reports in various media sources and outlets where stores have been heard of soaking vodka and other forms of liquor in tampon and inserting it as a means of getting drunk quickly and without any visible signs. The stories are most likely to be untrue and are from unreliable sources.

Teens and young adults tend to seek out options for getting drunk while avoiding detection, and this may come up as an option for them. This, however, is not a real practice and has been entirely debunked in practice.

A common belief is that using a vodka soaked tampon can help in avoiding a breathalyzer test, while still getting the intoxicating feeling. The technique is common among young women, where they insert vodka-soaked tampons in the vagina as a means of getting drunk, while also avoiding bad breath and being caught by a breathalyzer test.

Various tests have been conducted to test the functionality of this process, and the results were unanimously negative. Most of the time, the tampon was ruined in the soaking process. This made inserting these tampons virtually impossible. Even when some of the testers were able to insert the tampons, they found that no intoxication took place. Instead, there was only pain felt by the individual.

Tampons cannot retain large amounts of alcohol and even with the perfect intoxication is very difficult. But if things do go perfectly, there is a very high risk of alcohol poisoning as the alcohol taken this way is bypassing the stomach entirely and this can be dangerous. Alcohol finds its way directly into the bloodstream, making it faster, risky, and dangerous.

This can also irritate the Vaginal tissues, and can easily damage the sexual organ. It is an organ that needs a delicate balance of bacteria and other elements to maintain itself, and the insertion of alcohol in such a balanced region can be dangerous. It can cause Urinary tract infections, pain, and foul odors.

If someone you know is attempting to do this, it may be a good idea to let them know of its lack of functionality and inform them of how risky the practice can be.

Spencer Armstrong

The author Spencer Armstrong